Fate or Fortune

It’s mysterious to me how I discovered the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. Nobody in my immediate family is in the Fellowship. I was given a Big Book by an Aunty some years ago, she obviously saw the traits of active alcoholism raging in me. The book remained on the window sill gathering dust, full ofContinue reading “Fate or Fortune”

4 Going On 40

Four years of sobriety and approaching forty years of age on planet Earth. I feel naive, vulnerable and fearful of a world I perused through an alcoholic lens. In one respect I’m trailblazing in an exciting landscape beset with wonder and intrigue. However, there’s always a sinister presence skulking in the shadows. Maybe it’s somethingContinue reading “4 Going On 40”

Why? What? How?

I used to think it was the evil that kept some of my extended family members alive for so long. Ignorance can keep an individual sustained for a lifetime. However, ignorance didn’t serve me well. What is life if it is not being surrounded by love and the warmth of relationships and learning how weContinue reading “Why? What? How?”

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