Alcoholism Recovery: #odaat

One day at a time. #adaat. It’s a saying, a statement, a concept that I haven’t deeply explored during my sobriety. I initially took it at face value, connecting it to the idea of ‘keep it simple’. I just have to be sober a day at a time and if this means reciting the SerenityContinue reading “Alcoholism Recovery: #odaat”


I’ve been resenting my inability to drink like a gentleman. There’s never going to be a time when I can consume alcohol safely. The residual emotions are lingering and I feel like they’re seeping out of the cracks. Weakened fault lines causing subconscious quakes, shuddering my sense of confidence, self worth and identity. Hemingway saidContinue reading “Abstinence”


I like to be perceived as having my shit together, however this can be problematic being an alcoholic. The veneer of normality creates a buffer zone, a no man’s land of threat, wonder and hope. In sobriety I have acquired the successes or trappings of life depending on how you see it, and yet IContinue reading “Pangs”

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